title>Lost in Ogawa: January 2005 Archives - BootsnAll Travelogues
Lost in Ogawa Ohayoo, Konnichiwa, Irasshai!! |
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January 23, 2005Hanguk AKA KoreaCold! That was my first impression of South Korea. Actually, my first impression was, “what a nice, clean and shiny airport!” This was the new Incheon airport west of Seoul. I have this theory that when arriving at any...Read this update Posted by Tony on January 23, 2005 07:53 PM
Category: January 14, 2005Next Stop........Taipei, TaiwanView image After a month of hiatus, I’M BACK!...in Japan that is. Happy New Year! I apologize for my absence but I was on vacation!!! Yes, I was in need of a nice relaxing vacation after a semester of hard...Read this update Posted by Tony on January 14, 2005 01:18 AM
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Dia: What happened to the graduation ceremony entry?? ... [read]
TK: Thanks for reading Dflo, you rock! and Kevin, Stay... [read] mog: dear kevin, stay in school. love mog... [read] kevin: hi. right now i am siting in 3rd period class bord... [read] Dflo: So am I the only one who comments on this thingy?!... [read] Dia: I really like the pics of the Ferris Wheel. It lo... [read] logan: you shoulda took pics with the show girls... [read] Dia: Where are the show girls pics??!! I wanna see wha... [read] mog: frost is starting to form on cars in the morning h... [read] Dia: Hey Tony, Haven't heard from you in awhile. I... [read] |