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May 10, 2005

Leisure Farms


Here is the public area of Leisure Farms, the residential community where I bought a lot and am having a house built. There is Jordan doing a cartwheel. Jordan rules! That's one hand, people.


This photo was taken from a video shot through the window in the van. You can see the reflection on the window. This is a couple of the lakes where you can fish.


This photo shows some of the growing facilities. There are quite a few organic crops grown here, and the public can come and "pick and pay".


Some guy's house there at Leisure Farms. Not my house. Some other guy's back porch. He has a monkey. I'm not getting a monkey.


This picture is captured from video, and I cannot get a clear shot,sorry. This is the best one. This is what is behind the monkey on that other guy's property. Anyway, they started the planting here, it's very young. It's a sample of what will be happening on my lot. Produce is sold at market.


These are the facilities for the residents at Leisure Farms. Pool, showers, little huts (they're "bad" as the kids say), basketball courts. So Theresa, is it really as nice as it looks in these pictures? No. It's nicer. I rule. End of story.

Posted by Theresa on May 10, 2005 07:37 PM
Category: Photos
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