
Recent Entries

March 23, 2005

My Goodbye Email to coworkers

It had been a few years of working here, so some of the goodbyes were hard. My job is where I met Evelyn! It's been an important place, but time to move on. Here's my good bye email that was sent out:

TRAVEL BLOG The journey begins:
My last day.
I've spent eight hours a day 40 a week most of the time, here in these cubes with these cube mates. Taking calls for UPSTS.

We've laughed and cried, and vomited, among other things.
Dilbert doesn't know the half of it.
The most important friendships I have foraged here are with spiritual friends, the ones that opened the door to the world for me. It is now seemingly forever open. My dreams of middle earth will be coming true.

There are involved stories behind the good-byes I am saying today in this building. There's a new saga starting right outside, beginning at 3:15 today.

My feelings on this are:
I love getting older.
I love experiencing life. I love the fact that I've been through horrible things. Because now I breathe deep, see clear, and live well within the person that I am. I apologize for this confidence to those who do not understand. It used to be so hard to be me.

Deep personal things aside:
The crazy making that is this call center now ends for me. What could be a positive by-product of some of this crazy making? It can be summed up as:

The dysfunctional manic stress that forces people together, or to duel to meaningful deaths- of ego,- or position -or falsely held notions.

But this type of thing is not good when it goes on for too long.
We all need some down time.

Happily the emotional procession of banners surrounding me as I head out of this place today are largely victory flags-bold with colorful joy. Huge patches of joy stitched together with scars of experience, lines of deep blue knowledge as rivers on a map drawn with the advantage of a satellite perspective.

I know exactly where I am going.
Bye now.
*doing cartwheels*

P.S. Vote for Pedro

Posted by Theresa on March 23, 2005 12:02 PM
Category: About our Family
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