
Recent Entries

March 23, 2005


First off, this is me.


Hey, don't feel bad. I think you're ugly, too. Yes, it's a sunburn. Didn't hurt that much.

The Begining:

I'm starting with the last day of my job in a corporate cube farm.

My name is Theresa, I am 34 and the divorced mom of two boys. My 10 year old- Tucker- is autistic. Martin is 11.


I live on the Central Coast of CA.

Recently the Philippines changed my life;made possible only by people with whom I've connected.

This is about all of us, and possibly a bit about taking chances since I am quitting my job and strategizing our SE Asian future.

I left for the Philippines on Febrary 8th 2005, and came back on the 18th. Short stay, but my job gives two week vacations. I had an extra three vacation days left from last year.

While working in the cube farm- call center I met Evelyn
We became close friends. Ev and Lito, her husband and her three children were planning to visit home, and so I invited myself!

Hopefully I can capture part of my experience there. Like you all know, it's hard to make the webpages/ blogs do justice to the real thing.


This is me, meditating on my blog and how I'm going to work it.

Posted by Theresa on March 23, 2005 08:51 AM
Category: About our Family
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