August 20, 2005
If I add things here, I put them in order.
So...things are added, but they are not at the top.
Because I went to Vegas before China, not after.
I'll put the next email updates in here, and I will load more photos.
Thanks for waiting!
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August 11, 2005
Back from Zhuhai, and I'm going to put this page up really quick, so that people from TEFL can log in and message. Go to the bottom of this entry and add "comments".
I'll add more to the site later. I'm going to change these pages around a lot, but for now, I'm just going to post this message and give you guys the URL, so that you can post comments.
Who are these people?
We know who we are, the rest of you will have to suffer.
Click on the link below that says "continue reading..." for updates and emails from our classmates.
Continue reading "TEFL! HELLO"August 10, 2005
"This is where we're going," said Austin
Uh-oh, there's below.
July 20, 2005
Now I'm annoyed. You can't even see him, and he's worried about it?
So he writes me this message:
I'm sure you think I am a self conscious idiot.
But let me tell you one thing that I am not,
and that is: A Communist
Thank you Mike, for that clarification!
Why do I only know freaks?
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May 30, 2005
Trip to the Philippines February, 2005.
First stop, Manila to my host's sister's house. I took this video stadnding in the front doorway of the house.
Landed in Manila, and unfortunately I didn't have my camera out for my ride home from the airport. The traffic was something else.
We got to Lito's sister's house and one of the first things we did was get icecream. Lito is pictured here buying ice cream. He must have bought at least 10.
Some of the photos that I'm going to put up here are similar, but I can't decide which ones I like. They are captured from a video, so sometimes they will be blurry because I can't hold the camera still for a second. I also resize the photos within the HTML here so that they are smaller, that causes a little distortion. Hope you are able to enjoy despite.
The guy in the back there was pumping out of a well. I thought that was interesting.
As I was filming, I caught sight of these two guys. I said, "Hello!" and the guy on the left here said, "Hello! I love you!"
"I love you, too!", I said.
It was a short romance. I left to go up to the roof.
One more look down the street, here. The sign that says "Click" is an internet cafe.
Evelyn and Lito, my hosts.
This way to the roof: The next entry in order is Manila from the rooftop.
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May 28, 2005
Wecome to the beach house!
This is the view from the upstairs balcony. We rented this place from a family member for next to nothing. It's right up a sandy path to the beach. This view shows the lot behind the place. There were roosters running around.
Neighbor's house.
Typical toilets that I ran in to over there don't have the handle flushers. Usually there's a bucket of water with a scoop and you scoop water in to the toilet to flush the water down. This is a newly built beach house. This is a pretty nice toilet area.
I had my own room here with my own bathroom. Pretty nice!
This is Lito holding Mayumi on the balcony. To the left you can see the Johnny Walker red label.
Here is Ev's mom Terecita in the kitchen cooking up rice and meat for everyone.
This is Kyla, Evelyn's daughter.
Extra Cheeeese!!!
Yaaaayyyyyyy The Philippines!!
Time to go to the beach. Evelyn, Kyla, and Joy's daughter.
At the end of the walkway, here's the beach.
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We drove by this...
And a few seconds later...
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May 27, 2005
Off to market with Evelyn and Joy (Evelyn's brother Boyet's beautiful wife).
Joy and I got on the inside of the tricylcle and Ev sat on the motorcycle part with the driver.
That's her name, don't wear it out.
View from the inside.
People on the way. I'm thinking that the tricyle might have been sagging and people were wondering what was going on.
Hee hee.
Marketing. There's Joy
Here's Evelyn talking with friends of her mother's.
Friends of Ev's mom, Terecita
This is what they were selling.
This is dark, but the guy here is giving me the peace sign. He was excited that I was filming.
Now, I have saved the best for last.
The next entry for the market is the fish head gallery. Discover my mild obession with a huge fish head.
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May 26, 2005
Looking up, here's the view up the stairs. There are three floors here. Let's go to the terrace on the roof.
(Check back to this entry, because as of now, I only have half the pictures from the roof top loaded, I have some interesting ones I'm saving for last not yet here, when I'm done, I'll remove this little statement here.)
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