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May 12, 2004Modern Maasai
DAY 200: You may have seen footage of the Maasai tribal people of eastern Africa in movies or documentaries. These people of the Tanzanian-Kenyan border region have maintained their cultural identity for centuries, often seen wearing red cloaks known as shukas, holding big staffs to lead a herd of cattle, or jumping up and down as high as they can in what looks like a contest. The Maasai are best distinguished by their jewelry and ornamentation in their "self-deformation" of the body: elongated or torn ear lobes and stretched out lips. While these images are true to life, they aren't the only way the Maasai people live. Like many other "primitive" tribes in the world, people have learned to adapt to modern society.
MY ENCOUNTER WITH THE MODERN MAASAI didn't come without a long morning journey from Arusha to the town of Mtowabu, about two hours west. Mr. Jalala picked me up at the guesthouse with driver/guide Elia. From there we picked up my two other safari-mates: Francesco and Paola, two Italians from the Tuscanny region. We finalized some business at the tour office, where Mr. Jalala bossed around his underlings in his Sean John gear like a big shot. He bid the three of us farewell -- after reminding us that "tipping is recommended" -- and left us with Elia and Simon, our cook for the next five days. Before leaving Arusha, we made a couple of stops for supplies around town, including one important one. "Are we going to stop at a bottle store?" I asked. "We have drinking water," Elia answered. "Do you have gin?" "Ah, gin and tonic." We drove to a nearby liquor store. "You can't go on safari without gin and tonic," I said, buying a small bottle of London's Dry. From a previous safari in Botswana in 2000 I learned that G & T's were the quinessential safari cocktail; the quinine in tonic water wards off mosquitoes. (The gin just gets you drunk.) Mosquito-preventative cocktails were a good call because our destination was Mtowabu, which translates to "Mosquito River." It being the rainy season, mosquitoes were more present than normal, so much that Elia made the decision that we'd stay in a guesthouse with mosquito nets and beds for our first night instead of in tents. After hanging my clothes to dry (and worrying about putsi flies eggs) since they hadn't dried completely from laundry service in Arusha, I had a box lunch with Francesco and Paola. As we ate, Elia introduced us to Isaac, a modern-day Maasai and our tour guide of the day. He was wearing a button down shirt, slacks and loafers instead of the traditional Maasai garb. The only physical evidence to his tribal roots were the etchings in his face (believed to prevent disease) and his elongated and torn ears, for ornamentation.
Isaac explained the traditions of the Maasai as we strolled around town. He told us that the "jumping contest" often seen in documentaries is actually a form of celebratory dance for ceremonies of marriage and a boy's circumcision into manhood. What Westerners might call "self-mutilation" of the face is actually considered attractive -- although I don't see even the teenaged body-piercing crowd of the West ripping off their lips anytime soon. The Maasai, a people of shepherds, are dependant on cattle; cows serve many purposes, including medicinal ones. Pure blood extracted from a cow's jugular vein is consumed to "replenish" blood lost of an ailing person. For example, a woman who lost a lot of blood in the process of giving birth is given cow's blood to drink. As far as the Maasai diet, it too is dependent on the cow. Unlike most of the other tribes in Mtowabu that grow grains, fruits and vegetables, the Maasai essentially eat nothing but meat. Perhaps this explains why many of them are so slender; they are all on the Atkins diet.
"I think I prefer beer," was Francesco's analysis. From town we walked a dirt road towards Lake Manyara, passed villagers, banana plantations, coconut trees, yellow acacia tree nurseries and African bee honey orchards. Isaac continued his informal lecture on the life of the Maasai. "A man can have many wives," he said. "But every night he has to decide which hut to sleep in." "So how many wives do you have?" I asked him. "Just one." "Less problems," Francesco added. Isaac's monogamy, as "modern" as it was, was only due to circumstance; to acquire a woman from another family requires an offering of many cattle, and his family couldn't afford it.
After about an hour's walk we were at the muddy and smelly shore of Lake Manyara, where flamingos and other birds came to drink and feed. The winds shifted a little, blowing our scent to a lone buffalo so we had to go around and through a muddy creek that soaked my boots and socks in water infested with God-knows-what. We walked a long and tiring way back through the grasslands towards a herd of wildebeests that mistook for predators and got out of our way. With Isaac's long leg stride, it was impossible for me to keep up and with the sun going down fast, he hardly stopped to wait up. For an hour and a half I strugged non-stop in my wet shoes with flies buzzing all around me and I'll admit, I really hated it. We eventually got back into town by sunset at the Maasai market where people from all the far villages came to trade and buy goods. The blend of traditionalism and modernism still continued; I noticed a guy with a slick leather jacket under his red shuka; another guy simply waited for a ride instead of walking (picture above); and one guy simply enjoyed the refreshing taste of a Coca-Cola instead of that mbege concoction. Elia picked us up from there and drive us back to the campsite/lodge. It was there we said goodbye to our Maasai guide for the day Isaac, who, in true modern-day style, wouldn't leave without a tip.
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"With Isaac's knowledge of the bush..." Must I say anything more? (ok ok..really i'm not sick!) Posted by: markyt on May 12, 2004 05:41 PMThat's great that you got such a personalized tour. Not so great that you had to walk through water and then walk a ways after that. That always sucks. Posted by: Noelle on May 12, 2004 06:27 PMummm - 'boy's castration into manhood'????? Did I read that right? Posted by: Shelly T on May 12, 2004 11:33 PMSHELLY T: Whoops! I meant "CIRCUMCISION!" (I'll go fix that.) Posted by: Erik on May 13, 2004 06:12 AMSHELLY - I was thinking the same thing... and that there must be a lot of really promiscuous young Masai boys LOL ERIK - love the pictures for this post. Very cool to see people standing around in traditional dress. Posted by: Liz on May 13, 2004 10:02 AMmassai would be extinct right now if that castration bit is true....sounds painful. btw, "muddy" pic looks like your standing on some huge brain. Posted by: LovePenny on May 13, 2004 10:07 AMi dunno about the western piercing obsessed teenagers not wanting to rip off their lips anytime soon. they already like the extended and torn earlobes look. a bit of them are getting into the tongue splitting. so ripping off their lips may be just as cool to them. Posted by: alice on May 13, 2004 12:22 PMI've gotta ask, how are foreigners recieved in these more local settings? You have been mistaken for so many nationalities at this rate it's hard to keep up, but regardless... do they welcome the tourism? The average folks, not the guys looking for tips. And yeah, great pics. I really like the market one. Posted by: Christy on May 13, 2004 06:13 PMWoa. Day 200! I just noticed. Good job buddy! Posted by: Christy on May 13, 2004 06:15 PMWoa. Day 200! I just noticed. Good job buddy! 100 days ago you were in Santa Cruz. Does it feel like yesterday or 100 years ago? Posted by: Christy on May 13, 2004 06:16 PMhappy 200th day! Posted by: Alyson on May 13, 2004 07:49 PMCHRISTY: Locals treat tourists the way you treat tourists at home... they're just sort of THERE. Santa Cruz? Where is that again? ;) Posted by: Erik on May 14, 2004 02:01 AMErik, Do you happen to know the average life expectancy of the Maasai is . . . them beign on an Atkins like diet all of their lives. WARREN: Well, I'll say I haven't seen any older looking Maasai... but then again, maybe they just age well. Unlike Atkins people in the States, the Maasai don't sit in front of computers or in front of cars all day... P.S. Do you think Dr. Atkins REALLY died in a freak accident, or do you think it's cover up for a heart attack from his own "medicine?" Hmmm.... Posted by: Erik on May 20, 2004 10:23 AMBefore I knew the best part of my life had come, it had gone. |