BootsnAll Travel Network

The Drum Circle and Main Street

Last Sunday I watched the drum circle down on Venice Beach, it’s just a little way from where I am staying on Navy Street. It was crazy, everyone seems to join in or just stand there watching and clapping etc, it’s a really unique experience to watch! I’m really glad I am staying where I am at the Admiral Suites as it’s just enough out of the way not to find the noise and some of the more colorful characters intrusive shall I say… but also near enough to just wander down whenever I like.

I also discovered how cool Main Street is in Santa Monica, which is also right at the top of the street where my apartment is. It’s full of unique boutique type shops and cafes and has a really nice vibe to it, kind of like a small town considering I am in Los Angeles. Obviously it’s a community of LA so it’s bound to feel smaller, but I was suprised at its own charm and neighborhood feel. I feel like I’ve really lucked out in choosing my location, it’s totally the best of all worlds.

This morning I met an old friend for brunch at the Omlette Parlor – so yummy! omlettes and pancakes….and fresh fruit. I may need to go for a run along the beach to burn it off though… or maybe just up to the roof deck at Venice Admiral Suites for a relaxing afternoon siesta…hmmm  life is sweet!


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