BootsnAll Travel Network

Hello World Traveller!

In less than 4 weeks I will be in beautiful Munich for Oktoberfest and I cannot wait! This will be my first blog as well as my first trip to Europe. Will start my blog when I start my travels on Sep 17th! Prost! That’s cheers in German….already practicing 🙂


2 Responses to “Hello World Traveller!”

  1. Mr WordPress Says:

    This is an example of a WordPress comment, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many comments like this one or sub-comments as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.

  2. Sarah Says:

    Good morning everyone! I am just about ready to jump in the shower and start getting ready for my little adventure. You know I have butterflies in my tummy and I am just thanking whoever decided to stomp on grapes and make wine 🙂 I am all packed I think (I went thru the list with Joy and Lori and Niko about a million times)

    Promise to post more as I go along. I also promise to be very careful (that’s for you Mom) and will be a good girl

    Love to all of you!

  3. Posted from United States United States

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