Why, many people have asked, are you going to Turkey?
I'm not exactly sure. I'm in NYC now, working and saving money for my trip. At first, all I wanted to do this summer was work, save money and go down Central America to work on improving the pathetic amount of spanish I learned while backpacking Mexico. The idea had been brewing in my head since I got back from Mexico in January. (I have a serious problem of not being able to sit still for long.)
The "fates" apparently had another idea for me. I didn't have enough time for Central America because I have to be in London on the 15th of September to look for a "flat" with a friend for the upcoming school year.
So, short on time and wanting to take it easy and see a country leisurely, me and my boyfriend decided instead to hit up Turkey, a place I wasn't too keen on traveling by myself, as a lone girl. After we decided, I got pretty excited, I'd always wanted to go to Turkey, (more so to Egypt, but one step at a time,) and so I started thinking and dreaming about it, doesn't hurt that I'm a Middle East concentration and want to see all the Ataturk stuff...
Then, the guy broke my heart and moved far far away, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about Turkey... So, I went out and bought a ticket.
The other day I bought a new red sweet made-for-women-backpack (REI Outlet).
Anyway, a lot of people think I'm nuts, and my mom thinks I should see a therapist, but I have to tell you, I've travelled alone before, and yeah, ofcourse I'm scared, I've been scared every single time I've started one of these trips, but that's what pushes you to do it. The rush, the energy, the freedom of solitary travel, it's awesome!
ps. ladies, do not buy unisex bags, they are a bad bad idea. You will want to saw off your shoulders.
And so now it's just a matter of time before I ship off, away from America to travel/live abroad for over a year. The strangest thing is, I will be celebrating my 20th birthday (Tragic, I'M SO OLD!!??!!) in Turkey, but don't worry, I will email friends my address in London (once I know it) and surely, you can all ship the presents and cards you are buying me there :)
Posted by
Sarah T on June 18, 2004 11:16 AM
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