Buddha, Marx and Me: Thailand to Cuba |
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August 15, 2004I like Linkin Park!
I have been in Thailand for a week now. I was in Bangkok til friday and am now in Kanchanaburi. Kanchanaburi is in Western Thailand and is most famous for being thre site of the bridge over the river kwai. We came to Kanchanaburi after Bangkok because to put it simply Bangkok is hectic. A girl we met told us of days by the river, stunning scenery and a relaxed attitude. That might be alright we thought. Kanchanaburi is very different to Bangkok - on the way out along the roadside the English that generally accompanies Thai writing on signs begins to slowly slip away. The cars get older and there are more and more people on motorbikes. The attitude of the people is diferent too. They are friendlier and less pushy. In Bangkok, people will pull you on the arm to get you to look at their goods. One vendor on the corner of where my hostel was situated would always clap as I went by. It got me everytime! Here we have met a friendly waiter (named Note) that is attached the hotel we are in. He is very eager to talk. Richard, Kanchanaburi, 15th August
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