Two Months and a Million Mistakes Stories of a summer in Europe |
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July 16, 2004Better than in my dreams...
As the three-times-too-full bus bound for the Concierto del Millenio chugged out of the Plaza de Galiza, the air was filled with the smell of Hash and the sound of excited slightly-drunk Spanish teenagers sluring their way through loud renditions of Iggy Pop songs. The elegant pristine of the Camino was shattered. Last night was the first night of a three day concert festival set up by the Xunta de Galicia (regional government) to celebrate the upcoming Festival Day of St. James. Lilith, The Darkness, Iggy Pop, Massive Attack, and the Chemical Brothers. It was huge, and Spain showed up, big time. The paper this morning called it a "reinvention of rock!" and featured a giant picture of Iggy screaming as Iggy does. For Christina and I, it was all about the Darkness. It was long overdue; I had hearbreakingly missed them by a day at the end of Christmas vacation. Lots and lots of hours went into imagining what they would be like. Could they live up to my expectations? Seeing the Darkness for the first time is like losing 13 year old virginity to a middle aged prostitute with all your friends watching. For an hour, the quitent shredded, duck-walked, absured-english-accented, swore, and secuded me into falling in love with them all over again. It was better than I could have imagined. Do whatever you can to see them...immediately. Here is a tour schedule: Tuesday 20 July: Wednesday 21 July: Friday 23 July: Friday 30 July: Sunday 1 August:
Posted by Nathaniel on July 16, 2004 12:27 PM
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