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June 10, 2004


The very first thing I heard when I got on the plane was the new Justin Timberlake hit blaring over the loud speakers- virgin Atlantic is actually the most entertaining airline i have ever been on.
It hasn't completly hit me that where in London, maybe because we aren't going to leave the airport.
We ere a little concerned about spending the night here, but a we were kindly instructrd by a security guard to 'get a drink at the bar and find a bench.'
Other than the elevated price of airport muffins, andthe fact that theflight supervisor, who is supposedly trying out for Duran Duran, kind of sounded like Brad Pittin Snatch, London- or at least the airport- seems like a sweet place.
Despitelooking like a 2 year old when trying tocount out the exact change in pounds to pay for my coffee, it has only taken a few hours for me to go from saying 'bathroom' to 'toilet.
Conclusion: virgin atlantic and the airport are awesome,and nathaniel would like everyone to know that we actually heard someon say ''wot! wot are you dewin with irish pikies!?!' -- it's true, pikies do exist.

Posted by Christina in Europe on June 10, 2004 06:50 PM
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