BootsnAll Travel Network


A book by an Australian escaped convict who went to India and lived in the slums.  Inside picture of how slum-dwellers organize themselves in the absence of government assistance. VERY good so far!

May 26 Update

OMG, probably the best novelized memoir I have ever read!  The author gets mixed up with the Indian mafia and helps smuggle arms and equipment to the mujahadeen fighting the Russians in Afghanistan.  Over 900 pages long. But the best part is reading about the Indians…Shantaram really tries to get into their heads…and hearts.

Just one of Shantaram’s insights:

“Love is a one-way street.
Love, like respect, isn’t something you get;
It’s something you give.”

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2 responses to ““Shantaram””

  1. Eunice (Zoe) says:

    Thanks for reading, Anjali! Yes, it was a wonderful book. Glad you liked it too since you are from India. Shantaram is now a motivational speaker. You can find him on YouTube. 🙂

  2. Anjali says:

    I followed the link to your blog from couch surfing.

    This is my favorite book. I have read many and I have to say that the writer does an excellent job at drawing realistic pictures. I am from India and this book gives me goosebumps like no other. I can see the place, smell the place, feel the air when reading this one!!! 🙂

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