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Largest Drug Raid in History…in Mexico

The LA Times reports today from MEXICO CITY — Authorities confiscated more than $200 million in U.S. currency from methamphetamine producers in one of this city’s ritziest neighborhoods, they said Friday, calling it the largest drug cash seizure in history.

The seizure reflected the vast scope of an illegal drug trade linking Asia, Mexico and the United States, officials said. Two of the seven people arrested Thursday at a faux Mediterranean villa in the Lomas de Chapultepec neighborhood were Chinese nationals.

The group was part of a larger drug-trafficking organization that imports “precursor chemicals” from companies in India and China for processing into methamphetamine in Mexican “super labs,” authorities said. The methamphetamine is eventually sold in the United States.

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4 responses to “Largest Drug Raid in History…in Mexico”

  1. Eunice (Zoe) says:

    You can go to for updates on aspects of the drug situation

  2. Amanda S says:

    Hey, is there a section just for latest news

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  4. admin says:

    March 27, 2007
    La Jornada News

    Mexico’s Meth War Booty

    Mexican officials have an unexpected windfall on their hands. … more than $205 million dollars in suspected narco-cash awaits spending by different branches of the Mexican government. Under Mexican law, the drug war booty will be divided three ways among the courts, law enforcement and the public health sector. The monetary sum is roughly
    equivalent to the annual municipal budget of the sprawling border city of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.

    It remains to be seen exactly how the confiscated Unimed money will be spent. The Ministry of Health’s share, nearly $70 million dollars, is supposed to be spent on rehabilitating drug addicts.

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