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Archive for October, 2003

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Condition 1!

Monday, October 13th, 2003

The weather hit condition 1 today. It was pretty mild, actually. I have sen weather worse in NH to be perfectly honest, but never in the spring time i guess. I have little doubt it can get much worse. It was rated a condition 1 because it meet all the criteria of temperature, visibility and sustained wind speeds. I am not sure what those numbers were exactly. When I took my lunch break just before they declared con 1, I watched the visibility go from about 25ft to about 10 ft in 20 minutes. I couldn’t bein to guess the wind speed but it was a sustained gale to be sure. Yesterday we had a considerable amount of snowfall, considering we live in the worlds largest desert. When the wind picked up and started blowing the snow around visiblility decreased inversly and exponentially. Out the galley widow it looked a lot like it did up at Mt Hutt in NZ. Here’s that picture again:

So, they declared condition 1 about 5 minutes before lunch and most of the tradespeople were still all out at their shops. They had to be escorted by the fire department to building 155 (the main building) for lunch. It is back down to condition 2 now. Not as much wind but still a lot of snow blowing around and drifting.
Today, I took the first part of a 4 hr food handler’s course. They are pretty tight about sanitation considering how relativly microbe-free this land is. For the better I guess. Mostly stuff I already knew but at least now we know where we both stand; pluss I got a meat thermometer. I have been looking everywhere for one in Italy but can only find the $150 digital ones. We are supposed to take a simmilar course from the region of Valle d’Aosta for the license to run the hut. We keep putting it off. Hopefully this one will be somehow transferable.
Tomorrow is monday night football. A few of us get together and play a videogame version of football. At first I was disappointed that we didn’t have a TV in our room but after watching it a few times in the lounge I don’t mind so much. The movies are really bad “B” type movies and the sports are old rebroadcasts from last week. Plus, I am into Formula 1 racing which I know there will be no chance of seeing here.
My computer terminal dosen’t have a functional drive so no real pictures today. Let us know how it is going in your part of the world. ‘ till next time…

Scott Base

Friday, October 10th, 2003

Erebus Sunset.jpg

We ran all our errands in the morning yesterday and managed to fit in a hike up Ob hill before walking over to the Kiwi Base. There was kind of an erie atmosphere around the base yestrday. It was very still with a freezing fog hanging around. When the sun would shine through the fog it would create a sundog and make the air kind of shimmer with the feezing condensation.
Scott base is very space age. Much more homogenous and hi-tech than McMurdo. It is also much smaller. Only about 60 people. When we walked in the front door (which was, by the way, a walk-in refrigerator door ) there was a massive pile of red USAP parkas on the floor. Their store had some very nice maps and postcards but we didn’t have enough Kiwi dollars to buy all we wanted to. The bar was packed wall to wall with standing room only. It is understandable why they only open to us once a week. We stayed only a short while as we both had to work today. Next week we plan to X-country ski over on the sea ice.
Today at lunch we broke one of the “sacred laws of Italian coking and dining”. Well, we broke more than one but one that particularly irks luci and many of her country folk. Serving pasta as a main course. Lasagna has alway been considered a main course here but you will never find it served that way in italy. As lunch cooks we are not allowed a lot of space for creativity, plus we are somewhat limited by the lack of freshies. Most people here are “all meat and potatoes” any way. The fried chicken is always the first thing to go.
Tonight, we are going to check out the sauna. Enjoy the pictures. One is Mt. Erebus an the other is Luci on Ob hill.

Ob Hill Luci.jpg

Site Plan

Thursday, October 9th, 2003
Hut point.jpg Day off!! The first one since we've been down here. Yesterday after work I went for a walk above town. Mcmurdo sits down in a sort of basin surrounded by hills made up ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, October 7th, 2003
Sunset in Mac Town.jpg This sunset lasted from about 7pm to some time around midnight. The sun just kind of skirts the horizon and the Royal Society Range in the distance. Probably one of the ... [Continue reading this entry]

L’avventura in Antartide

Monday, October 6th, 2003
Cominceremo presto con il diario on-line (blog) della nostra avventura in Antartide scritto da Luciana. Conterra' storie e fotografie della nostra estate (autrale) sul continente piu freddo del mondo. Divertitevi. -Luke Mt. Erebus.jpg


Sunday, October 5th, 2003
The weather took a turn after my last entry. It has been snowing lightly for a few days. It is hard to tell what is new snow and what is just being blown around. Last night it began to clear ... [Continue reading this entry]