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January 04, 2005

JFK airport for my perfume/statue

long ride, plus the air train. Stay away from the air train, it's rip off city. Take the 3 train to the end then catch the B15 to Kennedy airport. 5 bucks is 5 bucks, but I'm a penny pincher.
But one good thing, sort of, happened on the air train. A guy who I think was from the UK was checking me out; but he was with a woman. I don't think he was really into her, though. I got off the train, and I thought, dammit. Maybe I should go there next? I'm really serious, I want a job that pays in Euros or UK Pounds fuck the dollar. I mean it.
ANd I'm so mean. This is sort of travel-related, but a guy harassed me while I was jogging and I yelled at him to leave me alone, expletive censored. I don't want to be a nasty person, and this is after I decided to take a hiatus from SHP. In spite of the infighting, I may return. I mean, even in Cairo I don't remember much harassment, though I guess I may have blocked it out. In Alexandria that's different. Other parts as well. Or in Israel; I don't recall getting much. But in Brooklyn I get it all the time. Maybe it's my take.
All I think about now is how I am ready to go somewhere again and my apartment is expensive and it's either settle in here and be comfortable or else work my ass off live sparsely for a few months at least and then go somewhere....I'm weighing my options. I have to keep remembering there are people much worse off.

Posted by Laura S on January 4, 2005 06:35 PM
Category: The travels
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