I gotta work again
now that my trip is finished, and by bootsnall standards it's a short one, I have to start work again. I feel like I was there forever, and the holidays cut into my time. I was close to running out of money and if I were there longer I would have had to get money wired or something. I miss my friends there a lot and haven't heard from's not all bad. There's snow now and I'm alone in my one bedroom and it's very beautiful....I have to be grateful for what I have; my own place, my cats are OK, I have enough to eat, I'm not in jail. So, I went to Israel with travel warnings and although I had good experiences, the only danger I ran into was with their own police, at the border. Leaving the airport and being interrogated there was devastating and I didn't think I'd ever get out of there. WHether or not this is justifiable it was hurtful, so I'd say sure, go where you want to go if it's that important to you, but life carries no guarantees.
Now I have to work after 6 months' absence and ...... Just because I'm on your payroll doesn't mean you have a right to take your life's frustrations out on me, although at least at my last job all those who were mean, especially to underlings, eventually paid a price.
I feel so daunted by these itineraries I read about on b and a; people spending 8 months trekking through Nepal or Malaysia, and I feel so envious and.....I was gone for two months, on and off; but I always had to fight for money and I got homesick; plus there are my two cats and.......I still want to perform; my obsessions are performing and seeing the world......that's all I want out of life. As far as children go: honestly I don't like kids much, and I know it'll be different with my own, but that's one reason I won't work in an orphanage while travelling. I've seen some kids that are incorrigible brats and it sounds awful to say, but maybe they shouldn't have been born. Ditto for some people.
so I encountered someone in my neighborhood in Brooklyn who was extremely nasty to me, and I did nothing to her; unfortunately a few people like that are in this town who will pick fights even though no one bothered them.....that goes to show that you're in danger no matter where you are, so, if you want to go somewhere with a travel warning go; it's your life. You know when you arrive what it's like.
so I'm gonna whine again, but here goes: please please please no more boring travel blogs. honestly it's not interesting to read: "And then I arrived at the Lima airport and it was crowded, and I searched for a taxi......then I went to the Phuket flea market and there was a woman selling oranges.....I went to a bar in Dahab and got drunk and was dancing topless til 3AM and got money thrown at me and now I'm hung over...." Please.....getting a cab is not interesting! No one cares, I'm sorry to say. Maybe the cab driver's life is worth writing about; but if I wrote "and my Arabic speaking friend stopped a taxi and said, 'Ramses' and mentioned the price, then 'la' cause it was too expensive; and it went on like this as he stopped five drivers til he finally found one willing to take us for LE5 instead of LE10......"I know it's your trip and these are the details but to a reader it's boriing, I'm sorry. I guess.....what's interesting? well, some books were recommended by the Lonely Planet guide, and since I fell in love with Egypt I want to read them; there are about 10 of them yet.
Posted by
Laura S on December 27, 2004 08:40 AM
The travels