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December 15, 2004

tel basta voila!!!!!

I can't write everything now...but long story short: my companion got us into the the museum after finally finding zagazig and then Bubastis, which consisted of about two acres of land. What was once a great city is now a mess of rocks everywhere.......someone tore down the temple. We were told it was Ramses the second, but who knows? Ohhhhhh it was wrong to destroy that temple! But the place is still there, albeit dishevelled, 6,000 years later! The cat cemetary is still there. So.....after all these years I finally saw it, but me the retard got there after the museum closed. My friend made this possible because the buses and signs and whole town was all arabic.....and he got us into the museum after they closed. Now I'm off to.....Alexandria, possibly. Signs tell me to go......but it's sad to leave people. Even though I had one experience that wasn't great no one assaulted me or otherwise like people in the USA warned me......I hope to party in Jerusalem.

Posted by Laura S on December 15, 2004 03:46 PM
Category: The travels
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