BootsnAll Travel Network

Days 84-93: Malaysian Critters

A few pics of interesting critters from the first 10 days on peninsular Malaysia.

We’ve seen monkeys all over Indonesia and Malaysia, but here’s our first blog photo of one. (Kuala Lumpur)

We cheated and went to a butterfly park in Kuala Lumpur. A few of them even held still for us to macro.

The huge Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing is Malaysia’s national butterfly. Does the US have a national butterfly?

Close-up of the Rajah’s curly probiscus.

The Petronas towers seemed to be covered in these enormous brown moths. Maybe they come for the light show at night and just hang around during the day.

In the Cameron Highlands, this guy just wouldn’t leave Kel’s hat. Must have been the new shampoo.

This sea eagle hung around the beach on the island of Pulau Perhentian Kecil. He didn’t do any flying because of an injury, but still put the fear of god into tourists that got too close.


One Response to “Days 84-93: Malaysian Critters”

  1. Mom Says:

    Cool critters – good to hear from you again! Love Kelly’s pet butterfly (I do no believe that the US has a national butterfly…).

    Hugs xoxox

  2. Posted from United States United States