BootsnAll Travel Network

sweet tears

When we set off into the wide blue yonder eighteen years ago, as an only-just-married-two-days-ago-couple, it was all adventure. I don’t think I shed even one tear. It was all too exciting.

This morning we said some good-byes, and I cried.
Last night we said the hardest goodbye, and I cried.
I still had a lump in my throat after driving right across town.

But I am so pleased.
I am so thankful to have precious friends, who we are going to miss.
We are incredibly blessed to have special people to be sharing the journey with, even though right now our paths will diverge for a time.

When we left in 1990, we had very little idea where we were going, and the plans we did have became null and void when a government, which shall remain nameless, refused to issue us visas.
We changed our plans.
Now, in 2008, we have a broad outline, we know theoretically where we will be laying our heads tomorrow night, but we don’t have a detailed itinerary for the next year. And we remain at the whim of the Russi*n government! Some things don’t change, though we hope desperately, the outcome will be different this time!

And so we stand on the verge of stepping off into the almost-unknown.
Anticipation mingles with apprehension.

And a few tears are shed.

Gonna miss you guys.


5 responses to “sweet tears”

  1. jen says:

    safe travels
    i will be thinking of you often
    cant wait to read your posts as you travel
    praying for you all

  2. Rosie says:

    Sniff….sniff……sniff. Thanks for sharing the night with us, we were privileged to be together with you. May God bless you and keep you as you share this wonderful adventure together… all will be so enriched at the end of it all. Take care, can’t wait to read of your adventures……..and looking forward to seeing you again soonxxxxxxxxxx

  3. May says:

    Blessed travels! A prayer for you all:

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    – Old Irish Blessing

    Carpe Deum!! Soli Deo Gloria!

  4. Leighleigh says:

    Well as I write this you are somewhere between here and Singapore – can’t believe you have actually started your adventure!
    You have left behind a very grey and rainy day – which is the perfect way to fly out!

  5. rayres says:

    Sorry, Leigh, but we ordered that rain!!!!!!!!!


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