BootsnAll Travel Network

packed today

There we have it.
Ten packs, ten pairs of shoes, ten sets of clothes to be worn on Thursday.
Nobody is allowed to touch anything until then.

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We’ve been asked what we’re taking…telling you won’t take long.
For each person:

2x shorts
1x longs
3x tops (combination of short and long sleeved)
3x undies
3x socks…no, we changed that to 4x this morning
2x bras (not for the boys)
1x thermal top and long johns
1x light gloves
1x sunhat
1x Keens sandals
1x flipflops
1x fleece jacket
1x raincoat

1x sleeping bag liner
1x pillowcase

small microfibre handkerchief towel
deodorant/baking soda
black sack (for putting packs in and keeping bedbugs out at albergues)

small bowl that will double as a mug Mongolian-style
plastic knife and teaspoon

pen and pencil
pilgrim’s passport

Then we have a few communal items:
* string shopping bag and light cloth bag for baguettes and camembert
* a few hydration baldders
* a few toiletries and a roll of toilet paper
* a few medical supplies
* a laundry (sunlight soap, multi-size plug, 10m cord, 50 nappy pins)
* muslin cloths for washing and drying dishes
* Camino guidebook and a sheet of paper with Spanish phrases
* coloured pencils and watercolours
* UNO, pass the pigs, letter dice, Monopoly Draw, felt pieces
* electronics: camera, laptop, GPS, phone and attendant chargers
* 2x ball of wool and 1x circular knitting needle and one set Pacerpoles for MamaBear
* folder with important papers
* money

Travelling light has its advantages….there ought to be no trouble fitting our carry-on gear in the overhead lockers. This is it, for all ten of us:

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Gotta take a bag of snacks Just In Case; dried fruit, nuts, homemade cheese&chilli crackers, and for some inexplicable reason, eight tiny packets of pop candy.

In fact, the only complaint being heard this morning as we packed was that the bags were too big and baggy. That’s a far cry from our last trip when we ended up buying a trolley to drag the electronics bag along, and there was an entire pack devoted to winter gear, and the nappies, oh the cloth nappies. No nappies this time!

And for you crafty friends, how do you like my hand-embroidered Little Red Riding Hood carry-bag? Perfect for French sticks and lunchtime grapes, don’t you think?

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Yes, I made it. And I love it. It’s nice having some hand-made-y stuff to go with the Big Brand Name backpacks and shoes.
Actually I made the pack covers too – complete with snazzy French seams…and lots of the clothes, and most of the socks, but none of the undies!

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4 responses to “packed today”

  1. Sharonnz says:

    Yes, the wee bag is fantastic! I feel all excited in my tummy for you!

  2. Tara says:

    You’re off! Wow how exciting. The ‘ONLY’ home-mades I would take would be the opposite to you – just undies. My home made undies are ‘da bomb!’ Sooo comfy. Look forward to seeing your travels.

  3. Karen says:

    Where’s your commitment Rach?…tsk tsk no undiemaking indeed!
    Looking forward to travelling with you again via the blog.

  4. Nova says:

    Aww the bag is fantastic! Can’t complain about its future contents either.

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