BootsnAll Travel Network

blood on the carpet

Most of us were lucky enough to have the intradermal rabies jabs – lucky I say, because they were “only” $60 as opposed to $180 a pop for intramuscular ones (and we needed three each – yeah, you do the maths…..are you interested? The vaccinations cost over half the price of air tickets to Singapore).
But the intramuscular girls got the last laugh as all the intradermals went off for blood tests to check they actually had immunity. Now it must be said, our family does not have the best veins in the world. And the poor ol’ phlebotomist had to try more than once on more than one of us to get anything of substance! And in the end L7 had to had a finger prick as well….no, to be precise, he had to have two finger pricks coz one just wasn’t enough (and it wouldn’t have been even if Mrs Phleb hadn’t dropped the first vial of blood on the floor!!!!)

PS No-one cried….there were some theatrical grimaces (and to be fair, she was having a good dig at the time), but no tears 😉


4 responses to “blood on the carpet”

  1. Grandpa A says:

    well done – all of you!
    When I as in the Airfoce (100 years ago) and we all had to have jabs before proceeding overseas, I saw more than one big strong lad crumple at the knees at the mere thought of needles!

  2. Leighleigh says:

    I have been thinking about doing nursing training recently, and when I voiced this to Grant, he asked me how my thorough dislike for needles would cope. I told him that since having to give blood for the 3 pregnancies I have got really good with needles. I now have to withdraw that comment – even just glancing at your photos was enough to make my stomach turn – I think you are all incredibly brave…I would be doing far more than pulling a face like K’s!!

  3. rayres says:

    Leighleigh you shoulda been here yesterday when M6 got hit in the head with a hockey stick. Split his head right open it did! Puddles of blood on the ground, all over his face, down his shirt and jeans. Thankfully Mrs L came over and played nurse;-)

  4. Leighleigh says:

    Yeah – you see, am not dealing with this little news update very well. The thought of pools of blood just grosses me out – I can’t even deal with my own very well!! It’s bad when it’s the kids injury cause I have to be the ‘brave mommy’ (unless nana is around and then I can support).
    A couple of week ago in creche a wee boy threw up on the ground, and I thought I was going to be sick!! Thankfully another mom came to the rescue and I volunteered to go find the boys mom!!

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