BootsnAll Travel Network

The Zoo & more

Today we went to the Singapore Zoo, and it was awesome. I liked it better than the Bronx Zoo. It was smaller, but the animals were RIGHT there, peacocks and roosters walking on the sidewalks…monkeys jumping around so close you could reach out and touch them. They used natural boundaries most of the time (like moat type things), instead of glass walls and chain fences and cages. And there was hardly anyone else there, so that made it even better. I absolutely loved it. Jim got some great pics that I can’t wait to put up, including us feeding an elephant.


By the elephant, a worker held up a basket of fruit to me, and I was like, “No, I don’t want any fruit. No thanks.” And I was really confused of why he was offering me fruit in the zoo. Then I finally realized he was offering it to me to feed the elephant. DUH.

Jim chillin’ with a ring-tailed lemur

Me with Monkeys

Later we plan to go to this exhibit called BODY WORLDS. This guy, Prof. Gunther von Hagens, used REAL human cadavers to make an …uh.. exhibit. Jim wants to go and I guess it would be interesting for sure. (note: Jim ended up going and I didn’t)

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we fly to Bangkok. I am not ready; I haven’t read a thing in the guidebook yet!! All I know is that it won’t be as awesomely efficient, clean, and organized as Singapore. And it is slightly hotter, unfortunately. Yeah, it’s incredibly humid here. But the locals wear pants and even long sleeve shirts. It’s amazing that they are used to it. It’s VERY HOT.

We ate Indian food yesterday and it was SOO spicy but delicious… and no tummy pain! by the way, ice cream cones at McDonalds are 25 cents, so about 14 cents US!

My ‘net time is up. Remind me to tell you about the little guy who talked to us the other day by the pay phone.

NOTE ADDED MONTHS LATER (Aug 13): I was looking thru pics of the zoo, and I remembered something I didn’t post. It was about the Coolest Monkey Ever. At the chimp area (I think) there was one industrious monkey who found a piece of rope hanging off their jungle gym-type thing. He grabbed the rope and then swung around on it. I think he also twisted it, so when he swung, it spun him around. It was the funniest thing ever!! THEN, he twisted the rope so it was taut, put the rope in his mouth, and let it spin him in circles like that! Ha!
Ok, nevermind. I could never explain it as funny and cute as it was.


6 responses to “The Zoo & more”

  1. Carl says:

    > …ice cream cones at McDonalds are 25 cents, so about 14 US!

    Did I understand that correctly, were you saying that 1/100 of the local currency is called a “cent” (like in most places, but not all), and 25 of those cents equal 14 U.S. cents?
    All right. Cheeeeaaaaap! *reminds me of Homer Simpson going; “Mmmm – beeeer!” :-)*

    > Remind me to tell you about the little guy who talked to us
    > the other day by the pay phone.

    Hey Kelly, out of nowhere, I got this inclination to ask you something… *Hmmm, what was it now…?* Oh yeah, that’s right! Could you tell us about the little boy who talked to you by the pay phone the other day? 🙂

    A’ight, have a great time in Bangkok! Take care!
    *I can’t help thinking of the musical “Chess” when I hear the name “Bangkok”… – I remember being 10 and seeing that musical in London… /me be singin’ “One Night in Bangkok”…! :-)*


  2. Claire says:

    Kelly, don’t you know that roosters are chickens, stay away from them! Hi Carl, hey ask kelly about the little man by the phone booth. Carl, when are you coming back to the U.S.?

  3. kelly says:

    Yes Carl, they use Singaporean dollars, and a US dollar is like 1.7 of theirs I think. Or maybe i havethat backwards. i get confused.

  4. Carl says:

    Hi Mrs O… – Claire!
    Good to hear from you! How are things in Michigan? Hope you’re doing well!

    Yeah, Kelly finally told us about the little one by the phone booth… *smiling* – I liked that story! 🙂

    When I’m coming back to the U.S.? Well, I don’t know. I don’t have any plans to go anytime soon…, but when I do go, I hope I’ll get to see you again. I had a great time in 2002! Thanks again for having me!

    Take care – have a wonderful day!

  5. Claire says:

    Sorry Kelly, I got to talk to Carl. We would love to have you visit, unfortunatley you would be bored without Kelly being there. I’m sure she would love showing you the sights in NY if and when she ever returns from globetrotting. Aren’t you done with school, yet?? Were you kept back?? ha-ha.

  6. Carl says:

    Hehe. Yep, they said I was dumb and had to stay longer.
    And then, as I was walking away, one of them puffed out his arms and said to the others; “He’s fat. He needs to work out.”


    Love ya, Claire. Hey, maybe we could all meet up – perhaps in New York – if I ever got around to taking that westward trip over the puddle again!?

    For now, though, that will have to wait.

    Have a good day!