BootsnAll Travel Network

Tentative Itinerary


This is my tentative itinerary. This plan is sure to change!

I will be spending 1 month in Africa. Starting off with 2 days in Nairobi, Kenya and then 2 weeks in Ethiopia. In mid-January I will be meeting up with a friend of mine and spending a week in Rwanda followed by 5 days in Tanzania on the Island of Zanzibar for some rest and relaxation.

The first weekend in February I will be flying to Indonesia where I will start to make my way north through Singapore and the Malay peninsula into Thailand. In March my friend is having her wedding in northern Thailand and then after that I am free to roam around South East Asia as I please! I am definitely going to Cambodia and Laos. I’m not 100% sure on the rest but I am going to try to make it to Vietnam, Mynamar, Hong Kong and the Philippenes.

This should all take me the better part of 6 months. I’m not going to worry too much about the time frame though. If I run out of money before I make it to all the places I have planned then I can always return some day. Also, who is to say I won’t be homesick after 3-4 months? I’m prepared to take 6 months and if I budget right it could even be longer. The point is… I have the freedom to do what I want, when I want with the exception of a few set plans.

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