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Archive for August, 2006

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The Overwhelmed Traveler

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

The word “overwhelmed” has been a staple in my vocabulary for as long as I can remember. Anytime I would approach something in my life the first thing that came to mind was how overwhelming it seemed. When I was younger it was school work, school itself, projects, piano playing, reading and an assortment of failed hobbies. Now that i’m older it is work, college, 401k’s, friendships, living arrangements and the rest of life’s wonderful obligations.

It is amazing to think that I have come to a point in my life where I may have found something that, for atleast the time being, gives me a glimmer of hope that I can accomplish something… ANYTHING. That doesn’t mean I am not overwhelmed by the responsibility and hard work that comes with long-term world travel… it just means that somewhere along the way the line between overhwelmed and empowered was blurred.

I wonder if this is a start to something… maybe I have found my niche. Helping others plan their trips who feel that there is no way they could ever pull something like that off. Or better yet, just inspire them to do it on their own.

If I had the travel community support when I was in high school like I have now, who knows where I would have been right now.


You can try new things at home

Friday, August 4th, 2006

I had made a sandwich yesterday before work and packed my root beer and yogurt and forgot to bring it with me. I woke up real hungry and excited that my lunch from the previous day was sitting in the fridge. I wanted some chips to go with it. Instead of getting in my car like I would normally do I decided to walk to the nearby Spanish grocery store. This place is literally 2 minutes walking distance away from my front door yet in the 2 years I have lived here I have yet to go. I figured today was a good day to try it out.

I threw on the iPod, turned on some music and headed over to the Unico. I’m not a very cultured person when it comes to food so I had no idea what most of the stuff on the shelf was for. Lots of Goya products though. I ended up buying some Goya soda and got the only flavor that I didn’t recognize at all… Tamarind. I was going to do the same with chips but you have to understand something about me, I love chips… and I couldn’t mess with a good thing and went with the ol’faithful Ruffles™. I’m not a big fan of plantains which would have been the obvious choice if I was trying to eat something outside of my norm.

It was nice to hear people conversing in spanish, which is one of the reasons I like living in Florida. For a few seconds I can pretend i’m at a corner store in a small village in Peru or something. Ok, so the feeling didn’t last that long because as soon as I left I was struck with the realization I have another 4 months to go before I hit the road. But for those few minutes it was nice to pretend I was traveling. I decided to take the longer route home and went around the front of my apartment complex further extending that small sensation. I can’t wait to be on the long road again.