Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilition Center
Today started early, up at 4:30 so I could get to the airport in time to catch the first flight to Sandakan. By the way, inter-Malaysian flights are incredibly inexpensive, usually costing between 20-30€ to get from one city to another. You could also take a bus for only about 8-10€, but then you’d spend 6 hours on the road. Hence, I’m flying.
I was at the S.O.R.C by 8:00, giving me an hour to have a coffee, check my luggage, etc before everything opened up. Orang-utans are native only to Borneo and Sumatra, with 90% of the remaining Orang-utans living in Borneo. They are highly endangered due to de-forestation and very low reproductive rates. The name Orang-utan, btw, translates roughly to “man of the forest” which is a pretty accurate description as they share 96.4% of the human genome. The rehabilitation center is set up to rescue orangutans (orphans, illegally kept pets, injured, etc), treat them, prepare them for and eventually release them back into a life in the wild. It’s pretty cool.
I took about 100 photos and need to sort through them, then I’ll update this post. But right now, my ride is arriving for my next trip: on to the Kinabatangan River!
P.S. Jill, as per your request, I’ve adopted an orangutan. Her name is Chikita, she was rescued when she was only 1 month old and she’s now 2 years old. And happy to have a new family! Better start reading up so you know how to care for her – I’ll be there in December, you know.
Okay, here are a few pictures added. I actually took 141 photos, I’ve so far sorted them down to 82. I’ll have to keep working it, in the meantime here are a few of my favorites to give you some views into the Orang-utan visit.
Tags: experiences, Uncategorized
Can’t wait to meet Chikita – I think she and Genevieve will really hit it off. I have been trying to help a man with his gibbon, so I should have some primate experience under my belt….
Oh yea! Can’t wait. Jill, Larry and Curly will not like Chikita but the horses will. She can ride Dancer.
..and I hope Chile gets along with her, since I assume you’ll be pet-sitting while Jill is in Brazil? And I guess this year we can have an orang-utan in the Christmas tree, instead of an iguana!