You Are A World Traveller
// September 27th, 2011 // Uncategorized
Even as you read this page, you are traveling. The planet Earth rotates at 1, 040 miles per hour. Gravity and momentum are the only things holding us to its surface. Travel is more than backpacks, plane tickets and guidebooks. Travel begins when you decide that the world is not a map, and that travel is not just moving from place to place but the texture of language, food, unlikely friendships, discomfort and discovery. Maybe, like me, you have not yet begun your physical journey, but you can choose to be a world traveler nonetheless. This blog is about the year leading up to my around-the-world trip. Using practical experiences from past trips I will offer a series of tips on getting into the proper mindset for long-term travel, while sharing my own daily discoveries. Over the next few months you’ll learn the importance of packing lightly, driving slowly, and learning how to poop in a public restroom. And, in a year’s time, you’ll get to see my practical advice put to the proverbial acid test as I leave my very American, Northern California community for Thailand, India, Rome, Botswana and other tasty destinations. I’m glad you’re coming with me.