Prana and Chi Meanderings and migrations |
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* California Fitness for travellers * Poisoned again. * Chiang Mai-2 weeks ago * Bangkok in/out(last week) * Ubi bene ibi patria-where one is well off there is his country
March 12, 2005Ubi bene ibi patria-where one is well off there is his country
My trip never ends, and I can't really specify when it started. I have been footlose since 1993. I became a heath nut about one year ago as I finally got over a devastating and crippling bout of lower back pain. Imagine malicious electricity shooting up and down your body,someone hammering forks into your tailbone. Increasing pranic energy (or chi), re-programming my body, losing weight, health, fitness: these are primary to me. As I travel, I find teachers, practice, and secondarily, discover new places. Comments
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