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March 08, 2005

Laos recap

We’ve been spending the last 6 days in northern Thailand recuperating from our final days in Laos. We spent nearly a month in Laos and traveled almost the entire length of it by road. Contrasting it to Thailand, the biggest difference with Laos is that it’s a difficult country to travel in. Not the most difficult we’ve been to, that distinction would probably have to go to Mali, but Laos is a lot tougher than Thailand. We especially found it difficult to do things "off the beaten track" like our failed attempt to see a particular cave near Tha Khaek ("near" meaning 4-6 hours away). It’s not that we couldn’t get there; it’s just that it was darned difficult and we didn’t have the energy to do it.

That said, the areas of Laos on "the beaten track" are pretty wonderful. Vang Vieng is a bizarre little town, but is a great place for exploring. Don Det and the 4000 Islands have their charm, and Luang Prabang is a beautiful laid back town, also a good base for exploring. Unfortunately, all of those places are overrun by tourists (yes, I’m aware we are also tourists) and it can only get worse if the roads improve.

Here’s a recap of some of our trip to Laos:

Best hotel: Seng Areun Hotel, Pakse, $12.50 (Pearse’s choice)/Orchid Guesthouse, Vang Vieng, $6 (my choice)
Worst hotel: Lao Sokonh, Vientiane, $6 but Worst Bed was the unknown guesthouse by the bus station in Luang Nam Tha, $3
Favorite meal: Yorkshire pudding & roast, Vang Vieng (P)/Chicken baguette @ the Scandinavian Bakery, Luang Prabang (A)
Top 5 experiences: Tubing through Water Cave & kayaking in Vang Vieng; trekking in Muang Ngoi Neua; the waterfall near Luang Prabang; the river walk in Luang Prabang; hammocking in Don Det.
Least favorite experiences: the massage in Luang Nam Tha (P)/the bus trip from Luang Nam Tha to the border (A)
Cheapest day: $13.60 in Muang Ngoi Neua ($5 room, $8.20 on food, $0.40 on entrance fees)
Most expensive day: $63.30 in Luang Prabang (included massages, buying books and shopping at the night market)

Favorite picture you haven't seen: Pearse pondering an important decision: Another?

And while we’re at it, this is our recap of Cambodia:

Best hotel: tie between Sok Sambath, Streung Trang, $8 & Mealy Chenda, Sihanoukville, $7
Worst hotel: Same Same But Different (Same Same but Worse in our book), Phnom Pehn, $3
Favorite meal: curried shrimp at a French restaurant in Sihanoukville
Top 5 experiences: Angkor Wat; swimming on the southern coastal islands; eating and drinking in Sihanoukville; cruising up the Mekong; eating and drinking in Siem Reap
Last favorite experience: riding in the back of a pickup up to Bokor Hill
Cheapest day: $26.80 in Sihanoukville ($7 room, $5 internet, $14.80 food & drink)
Most expensive day: $127.80 in Siem Reap (included $95 for Angkor Wat)

Posted by Amie on March 8, 2005 12:06 AM
Category: Laos

Hi you two! Great picture of Pearse--in a fav pose of mine, contemplating yet a third beer. Was the beer any good in Laos? Cambodia? Your adventures/meals/expenses/favorites/not-so-favorites are so fun to read. Travel safely and come home. Amie, you are missed. Okay, so is Pearse.

Posted by: Nicki on March 8, 2005 08:58 AM

I loved your best/worst lists. So far, there are a lot of things that you've done through Laos and Cambodia that I would like to do, but I think I'm most interested in visiting Sihanoukville. Of course, I expect this to turn from a mere interest to a moral imperative once Pearse opens a business there. **whispering** (Be sure not to tell anyone else about it, so it doesn't get overrun with pesky tourists before I get a chance to visit and claim some land for myself.)

By the way, Amie, did you want regular flavor pringles, or a variety pack?

Posted by: Donavon on March 8, 2005 10:41 AM

Nicki - we did forget a category. In Laos the best beer is Beer Lao (actually it's the best beer in SEA) and the best Cambodian beer is Angkor but you can still get Beer Lao there :)

Donavon - do you have some cash to front for us in this Sihanoukville adventure? We're soliciting investors since we've already drank our down payment. And thanks for the Pringles offer but I've found something better here in Thailand - Tasto's spicy cheese chips. Yumm!

Posted by: Amie on March 9, 2005 06:11 AM
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