
Recent Entries

January 21, 2005


Sorry it’s taken us so long to upload photographs but it’s not as easy to do as everyone told us it would be. Here are a few photos from last week:

All you have to do is click on the highlighted words. We will try include photos in our future entries so look for those highlighted words.

Hong Kong: Me making the ultimate sacrifice in trying all the beers in the Cathay Pacific business class lounge.

Bangkok: The infamous Khao San Road at night, Bangkok from the river ferry. The large building that looks like an airport control room is the new Millennium hilton.

Ayuthaya (Thailand): various ruins: View image 1, View image 2, View image 3

Ko Chang (Thailand): hazy weather, me enjoying the hazy weather, the waterfall I walked to

As stated before we love to get comments and are a little disappointed when we update our blog and have no comments. Let us know if you are keeping track by just saying hi. Internet cafes are everywhere here and the more comments the more entries we'll add.

Posted by Pearse on January 21, 2005 09:29 PM
Category: Thailand

Hey you guys! I enjoyed looking at your pictures! It sounds like you are having a great trip. Well, I better go do some studying. Love ya, Mary:).

Posted by: Mary Brown on January 22, 2005 05:31 PM

I'm happy that you figured out the photo thing. Visuals really help us enjoy the adventure with you. I also like the links the website provides with history and geography. What's this about opening your own pub? Really, you guys are doing a fabulous job of writing. A good friend of ours is presently in the Phillipines for just a two week stay...I can't imagine having enough time to r-e-a-l-l-y relax and get a feel for the culture. I am so envious...(smile)
Love and prayers, Pam

Posted by: Doug and Pam on January 23, 2005 10:05 AM

Hi you two!
Amie, you confirmed why I don't like massages! Ouch! I think I would have been a quitter in that experience. Sounds like you are having a great adventure...stay safe and you know we are all just a tad bit envious!
I think I need to go visit your office to get my chuckle from the picture you said you'd put on your computer...I need it!!! Take care,

Posted by: Kathy on February 3, 2005 01:27 PM
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