BootsnAll Travel Network


Thanks to my EeePC (and a very slow network), I’m able to blog live from a science fiction convention for the first time ever.

If the batteries hold out, that is 😉

Random entries will find their way to either here or my LJ (which is more writing oriented).

This morning I surprised myself by getting up at seven—yesterday’s drinking session nonwithstanding—and getting to the venue (Edwardian Raddissson, Heathrow) by nine, only to find that the registration doesn’t open until ten.

But I could hardly miss the first panel, could I? ‘Russell T Davies: Best of British or Fan Boy Let Loose?’

For tomorrow I’ve brought a hall costume. Watch out for the Sweeper of Souls. (“Isn’t that Death?” “Death tends to drop things, and Hell needs a street cleaner 😉 “)

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6 Responses to “Eastercon”

  1. Mister Roy Says:

    How are you getting on with the EeePC? I’m tempted by them, but it’s the usual nightmare decision of buy now or wait for more memory… I’m at Orbital too, but blogging activities are confined to the room as even a standard laptop seems like too much to lug around. Hope you’re having a good con…

  2. Denni Says:

    That is amazing–another con goer reading this blog (and here I was thinking that nobody reads it 🙂

    The EeePC is great, it does just what it says on the tin and I don’t think I’ll need more memory, but RAM is easily upgradeable on the non-Surf models and I’ve ordered a 4 GB SD card on Ebay for just over ten quid, including postage.

    But as I said, the battery life is crap 🙁

  3. Denni Says:

    BTW, I’m blogging abot the con in my LJ:

  4. Mister Roy Says:

    Thanks for the link… lots of interesting stuff there. So far I’ve posted Orbital stuff on my ‘walking’ blog
    but I’m working on something for my work one

  5. sparqy Says:

    Just read your blog entry for Tanzania, June 1984 .. obviously you were staying at Silver Sands when you met Misha. I hope that you had the opportunity to talk with him at length, he was probably one of the most interesting characters I ever had the pleasure to meet when I was there in 1977. By the way, he was a major player in the Zanzibar Revolution but ‘reformed’ as a result’, a noted and published amateur conchologist, an early period scuba diver, a Makondi art historian/collector lending his collection to museums worldwide, an ex-sisal plantation owner and long time manager of the Silver Sands when the University of Dar es Salaam owned it. We spent many an evening on his ‘stoep’ next to the Silver Sands bar drinking Konyagi and discussing the state of the world. He was a wonderfully colorful guy.

    “It was only seven. I caught a lift to town with Misha Feinsilber, an Israeli who had settled in Kunduchi. Misha spoke 14 languages, including German.”

  6. Posted from United States United States
  7. Denni Says:

    Talk about a blast from the past!

    Yes, he was an amazing man! Among many other things, we talked at length about irrigation methods in semi-arid deserts which nearly landed me a job managing a wildlife park in the United Arab Emirates years later (but then the first Gulf War broke out and I never learned whether I got the place) 🙂