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July 12, 2005

Mad Teacher, Part three

What was Hans the Affected one after? "I have arrived at your flat, I must admit unexpectedly, because I tried to call in on my ex-girlfriend and she rang for a taxi to take me away and screaming, she pushed and kicked me into the taxi and I was so drunk that the taxi driver drove me to the nearest police station to dry out overnight in the cell and I woke up this morning with a hangover, and so I was released from the police cell and while I was on my way back to my flat, a thought occurred to me." (all said with mashed phonemes).

"What thought occurred to you, Hans?"
"Well, when I was a young boy I used to watch this girl doing cartwheels by the Rhine and I thought, wow, now that's some girl, she can do cartwheels!"
"Gymnastics, you see, my friend, gymnastics!'
"Are you suggesting we go and watch some gymnastics?"
"No, no, but my ex-girlfriend is, as you know, a dance teacher, a German dance teacher in Thessaloniki, extraordinary, huh... now there's some gymnastics in that, yes? I want you to help me kill her present boyfriend."
"You're not serious, of course. This is your Rhineland sense of humour, I take it."
"Well, you know how you sometimes feel like throwing students out of the window? This is the equivelant. I feel like throwing that man out of the window. Or shooting him. Why not? It is all so clean and efficient. We can throw the body in the Thermaic Gulf. Nobody will notice."
"Brilliant idea, Hans; I've always wanted to do time for pointless assistance in a murder. Why can't you accept the facts and that your relationship with her is over?"
"Because she is mad, my friend, completely stark bonkers. Do you remember the night we started beating the table at a nightclub with forks and spoons and she started yodelling and hitting the table like a frenzied beast on speed?"
"Speak for yourself, I was only yodelling along with the music. I left the forks well alone. I thought that was you yodelling and hitting the table, not Clara. Anyway, if she's even crazier than you, why do you want to renew the relationship?"
"She's a miserable git, isn't she. I love miserable gits. I so want to cheer them up, to make them feel happier, to make them see the beauty of Thessaloniki, the quality of life here, you know? So, it's true that sometimes I get a little carried away in a pub and maybe I do put chairs on my head and pretend I'm a four-horned rhino, but that's only in the spirit of fun. She has no spirit of fun. And her latest man! He's mean, foul-mouthed, ugly, and has a voice like a blunt razor-blade scraping along your chin. So, you must come and help me get rid of him, I can't do it on my own."
"Sorry, mate, but I'm not in the business."
There was only the slightest pause as he weighed my words.
"I respect your decision. I shall have to look somewhere else, I see that. But do not close the door if you see me on my return from my trip to Germany for my injection. We've had some good drinks together, ya?"
"Yes. But don't do anything drastic either before or after your German injection, will you?"
"No, I can see that I mustn't. Maybe only God knows the answer to what I have to do. Well, see you later, I must go now, to get some sleep in before tomorrow's flight to Germany."
"Okay, good luck, and may the injection be with you. Sorry to hear about your latest episode with Clara."
He left, shaking his head.
It was his last visit to Germany for an injection. When he got there this time he stayed and didn't return to Thessaloniki. I don't know what his school did. At least Clara was all right.

Posted by Daniel V on July 12, 2005 09:55 PM
Category: Thessaloniki
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