Three Faces, Three Graces, Three Greeces An island, a small town, and a big city in Greece |
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July 08, 2005A word about the London bombs
As a Londoner, and as someone who has just returned from Poland to my native city, I was by chance outside of London when the blasts took place. I would like to assure all my friends who have been reading this blog that I am all right, and so are my parents, and all my relatives. I think the point about Al Qaeda is that it is not a tightly-disciplined centralised organisation (unlike the IRA); more that it is a sort of logo, or umbrella, under which disparate groups of terrorists attack skies or streets of people before retreating behind their murky umbrella before the hail or dust falls on them. My condolences to anyone who has been a victim, or friends with, or related to, a victim of the latest terror. Posted by Daniel V on July 8, 2005 03:04 PM
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