Three Faces, Three Graces, Three Greeces An island, a small town, and a big city in Greece |
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May 06, 2005Stonemasons, moustaches, Turkish women, the death of hairy armpits
Yiannis and Katerina were a delightful couple; he was that rare thing nowadays - a highly-skilled stonemason who could build stone farmhouses in the original way and also was skilled at building the unique walls that pepper the landscape of Andros. Ironically, he was not from Andros, but from Northern Greece. The traditional way of building has almost completely died in the tide of concrete that has flooded New Aegean architecture, and only a few people in Greece, let alone Andros, can still do it. Yiannis was invited over to Andros to rebuild some old farmhouses using traditonal methods, and his skill at doing so meant that he was never out of work for long. He stayed on the island. Comments
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