Three Faces, Three Graces, Three Greeces An island, a small town, and a big city in Greece |
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March 05, 2005A brief word about Greek music
What the world knows today as Greek music usually has a bouzouki or two, and it is therefore difficult to make it sound convincing on the piano. This music has its origins in Rembetika. What is Rembetika? Rembetika, Rebetiko, Rebetika - I've heard the Greeks use all these different words, originated in the takedhes, the hash dens of Anatolia, before the Greeks were chucked out of Turkey by Ataturk and the population exchanges took place in 1922/23. The rebetes were penniless musicians who often had lost their entire way of life in Anatolia, and they created what has been called the Greek blues. and read "What is Rembetika? and "Laika or Rembetika?" before listening to the music. Thessaloniki was one of the main centres of Rembetika. Comments
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