1st stop for us, a familiar place.View image
Highlights in the last week were: Vondel park in the Autumn sunshine, 10 acres of beautiful park very close to central amsterdam.View image
An excellant world photography display outside along the waterfront at the city hall(and free!), better than most of the expensive museums.
Interstingly although at this time of the year theres only half the canal boats running, they still charge the same price even though they are offering half the service.
Artis zoo....disappointing and fairly expensive..
Coffeeshops.....emm...theres quite a few...our favourite the dolphin, near Leidesplein(spelling alert!).
...its been good, froze our tits off mind you ....
ready to head off somewhere warmer...emm..lets try Egypt!
Two British Blokes (one Scottish, one English.....scary!), who just want a bit more than short holidays. The world is such a massive place and we've seen so little of it. The older you get , the harder it gets to extract yourself out of your mundane routine and safe life.
This is a whole year for us to do what we want to do, experience stuff that we've dreamed of, and very importantly, a whole year off work!
A huge thanks to me employers, who have allowed me to take a year's career break. Gives me the security of knowing I have a good job to go back to.
Anyway, off we go...
Itinery.....amsterdam- egypt- kenya/uganda,Rwanda- thailand-laos - cambodia-malaysia-Oz-Nz-Fiji- L.A- Sanfrancisco- NYC- Home