De mais tarde, Brasil. Hola, Argentina
Day 50, Monday Oct 18 Puerto Iguazu
An ambivalent start to teh day! I am excited about Argentina, but it is time to say goodbye to my first love, Brasil. I had a wonderful time. Yes, there were some moments I would like to forget, but I reckon it is all part of the adventure.
I got a ride from the hostel folks to the hostel in ARgentina. It costs a bit more than the bus ride across, but it also meant that I didnt have to wait in queues and spend an hour or more waiting for buses! The immigration on both sides were a breeze! Neither of them had any questions for me. I cannot imagine such a thing happening at the US borders, where, to couch it in polite terms, the folk see themselves as guarding the fortress and let people know who holds the power, in no uncertain terms! Changing the money was a breeze as well, and the rates werent too bad, but one does always take a bit of a knock.
The Argentine side of the falls is where you get up close and personal with the waterfalls. The views are spectacular, and there are plenty of trails to keep you busy the entire day. I spent about 5 hours enjoying my first day in Argentina, drinking in the beauty that my pedestrian mastery of language cannot communicate. Ah, to be a poet! I had seen a tucan at close quarters and plenty of butterfiles on the Brasilian side. Even though the sign to one of the trails warned of dangerous animals one could encounter on the trails, I only saw more butterflies, some giant ants and a couple of iguanas, one of whom were molting. And a bunch of badger like creatures.
I got to a supermarket and was dumbfounded to see it closed. The hours of operation? 8 to 12:30 and then 16:30 to 21:00. A 4 hour break mid-day. The Argentines seem to take their siesta seriously. Wonder if it is just the small towns? I am looking forward to Buenos Aires, which is a 18 – hour bus ride away. But that is for tomorrow. FOr now, time to reflect on 6 weeks in Brasil, as I head back to the hostel for an early night.
Photos of Iguacu falls – Argentine side
Day 51, Tuesday Oct 19 Puerto Iguazu/ Bus ride to BA
Puerto Iguacu has a place where the three neighbouring countries meet at a location called the Tres Fronteras. Had time to kill, so went for a walk to the Tres Fronteras to strecth my legs.
The 22 hour bus ride was not much fun, but I got quite a bit of reading in. Almost done with another book! The seats are comfortable, but I didnt get much sleep.
Tags: Travel