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Archive for March, 2009

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Why I love Jet Airways

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

I’ve been back in Ireland almost 7 months now. I still jump sometimes if I’ve been daydreaming and then suddenly hear an Irish
accent. Hearing that accent was a big event for me for over a year, it’s hard to get used to not getting excited now. Also today in a book store I found myself gently swaying to the right so the guy behind me wouldn’t be directly behind my bag. Force of habit. And a few days ago, for the first time in about 4 months my heart stopped for a second when I couldn’t feel my money belt around my waist, then remembered I haven’t worn a money belt since last August.

Anyway, back to the point of this post. I’m again planning some travelling. Had to wrestle a travel guide out my hands in that book store today. To make up for not getting a new travel book I decided to book my flights to India. And discovered that to celebrate International Women’s Day, Jet Airways are giving me a 10% discount! But even that’s not why I love them.

My love for them stems from their never ending quest to serve their loyal customers. Especially when it comes to food. When booking a flight you can chose what type of meal you’d like. These are the options:

1. Asian Vegetarian Meal
2. Bland Meal – Veg
3. Bland Meal – Non Veg
4. Diabetic Meal – Veg
5. Diabetic Meal – Non Veg
6. Fruit Platter Meal
7. Gluten Free Meal – Veg
8. Gluten Free Meal – Non Veg
9. Jain Meal
10. Lacto Ovo Vegetarian Meal
11. Low Calorie Meal – Veg
12. Low Calorie Meal – Non Veg
13. Low Cholesterol – Veg
14. Low Cholesterol – Non Veg
15. Low Protein Meal – Veg
16. Low Protein Meal – Non Veg
17. Low Purine Meal – Veg
18. Low Purine Meal – Non Veg
19. Low Salt/Sodium Meal – Veg
20. Low Sodium Meal – Non Veg
21. Muslim / Moslem Meal
22. Non-Vegetarian Meal
23. Non-Dairy Meal – Veg
24. Non-Dairy Meal – Non Veg
25. Strict Vegetarian Meal
26. Vegetarian Meal

It’s like a joke they’ve concocted to quieten awkward customers. Best thing is, I’ve noticed that on the plane people can change their order. So you could ask what the low-protein meal of the day is, or who is gracing the fruit platter and make your decision then. I’m going to have some questions ready for the flight attendants to waste away some of the 9 hour journey. I’m very eager to learn the difference between a vegetarian meal and a strict vegetarian meal. Vegan meal perhaps? And how do they cater for Muslims with a cholesterol problem?
It’s going to be a fun flight!