Quest For Beer - New Zealand All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you |
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March 06, 2005Sweet Home Minnesota
Ah yes, the post vacation blues (and jetlag). It's nice to be back home, and yet it would be nice to still be down in New Zealand, too. There is so much to see and do down there that even 3 months would not be enough. I will definitely be back. The last month seems like a blurr, but I know that as time goes on, all the things we did and saw, and the stories to go with them, will work their way into the memory banks. It will be fun to talk with each other (and everyone else, especially at the pub) later and see how similar and/or different the stories are (memories can be very selective). Four people travelling together was a challenge at times, yet we all managed to get along very well (thru rainy weather, lots of driving, riding in busses, long lines, being tired, etc...). I think our personalities (all being very laid back, able to go with the flow, not in any hurry) helped out greatly. We all pitched in whenever help was needed and each of us pulled our own weight with all the various tasks of travelling for a month (making reservations, laundry, cooking, cleaning, kittymeister, etc...). Part of travelling with others is not only getting along, but getting to know each other better (it's kind of hard not to when you're with each other everyday for 4 weeks). I can only speak for myself, but I really enjoyed learning more about each of the girls, and I must say that they are all very beautiful people. Hanging out with them has also allowed me to learn more about myself as well. The people of New Zealand were all incredibly friendly and helpfull. Everyone we met, wether they were locals, or foreigners from other countries, was very interesting and talking with them really expands one's knowledge of how the rest of the world thinks. What I found very interesting was that everyone I met, wether they spoke English very well or not, was really interested in talking to me about the U.S. Everything from politics to music to geography, weather, and even hunting and fishing. I was also able to learn something about their countries, too. The people from New Zealand were especially interested in the U.S. and were surprised that I had even heard of N.Z. much less chosen to travel there for a month. I had to assure them that N.Z. is well known here and that it's reputation as the adventure capital of the world and it's beautiful scenery makes it a top destination choice of people everywhere. Well, it seems as though I'm rambling on a bit, so I will stop and let you all enjoy some photos. Thanks for following along, and if you ever get the chance, go see New Zealand! Chuck Comments
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