Quest For Beer - New Zealand All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you |
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February 27, 2005Picton - Nearing the End
Hello! Well, we survived the Rugby game. The Highlanders lost to the Blues 30-14, but I think we learned a little bit about Rugby. Lots more action than American football. The girls even ran into the Rugby team at one of the bars downtown that night (I went home to bed early - 11pm). The next day we drove up the coast from Dunedin to Christchurch. Stayed in a beautiful little suburb along the beach just southeast of Christchurch. Had a great dinner that night. Got up and drove to Blenheim yesterday. Stopped near Kaikora and saw a bunch of dolphins swimming and jumping out of the water. We were going to do a bike tour of the wineries around Blenheim today, but the weather was forcasted for rain, so we headed to Picton. Blenheim was kind of an ugly town anyway. Picton is beautiful! And the sun is shining. This is where the ferries between the north and south islands go out of. It's a small, quiet town surrounded by big hills and right on Queen Charlotte Sound. We are staying here for the next three nights (Mon., Tue., and Wed.). There is lots to do here (hiking, fishing, kayaking, etc... and the weather is supposed to be nice). Thursday we are taking the ferry to Wellington and spending Thur. there. Then Friday we fly from Wellington to Auckland and start the long journey back home. I wish we had another month to spend here! I'll try to update one more time before we leave here. I have to go enjoy the sun see if I can go fishing tomorrow. Bye. Comments
Hello travelers!! I'm sorry that your trip has to end, but I will be glad to have your asses back in the Boro. Its just not the same without you! Posted by: Mara (Morman) on March 1, 2005 06:57 AMHi Di & everyone, Have enjoyed following your trip - it sounded wonderful. It's hard to believe the month is over, I imagine. Have a safe flight home. |
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