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February 04, 2005L.A.
Arrived in LA at about 7pm last night local time. Annie (Di's friend from college) picked us up and brought us to our hotel (right on Hermosa Beach). Annie lives about 4 blocks up from the beach, so we hung out there last evening. Woke up at about 7am and went for walk on the "strand". Very LAish - people surfing, etc... We have the day to kill today and fly out at 8:30pm tonight. Weather is beautiful! Karen and Sal saw some dolphins swimming off shore this morning. Now we are drinking mimosa's back at Annie's (she's been a great host). All for now. Comments
I think your fans need to know if LA - Annie is hot or what? Posted by: Albert on February 4, 2005 02:02 PMOnward! You should be in New Zealand by now, if you survived L.A, the Crips, the Bloods, the tornados, the flooding, earthquakes, get any plastic surgury done? I hate to do the "ya that's a good story...but" , BUT, I was surfing in LA in 99 and a school (?) of dolphins were fishing around myself and a local, it was incredible, you'ld go under the water and you could hear them "squeek-squeek-squeek- kill the humans- squeek...". They were really dark dolphins, black almost, it was very surreal. Have fun Chuck, lots of photos. Sorry, Al, Annie is married with a new 4 month old baby boy, but yes, she is hot. L.A. was not bad, I thought it would be stinky and hot, but it was very nice spending the day by the beach people watching. Posted by: Chuck on February 5, 2005 02:10 PMCrikey!!! It didn't take to long to find a bar, did it? Enjoy summer down under!! We're back to cold winter here. Went skiing in Itasca and saw a wolf playing in the snow on Elk Lake. Pretty neat! Posted by: Pat on February 6, 2005 08:27 PM |
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