Quest For Beer - New Zealand All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you |
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January 26, 2005One week to go!!
We fly out one week from tomorrow!!! It will be so nice to leave the cold, gray, slop of Minnesota (not to rub it in or anything). I've never been south of the equator (Sal and Karen have been to Australia before), so this will be exciting. We are flying to L.A. first, spend the night there, and then flying Qantas to Auckland. I believe Auckland is 18 hours ahead of C.S.T. Comments
Geeev'r Chucky! Posted by: Falcon on January 26, 2005 03:41 PMChuckie! Sweet site! I'm so glad you set this up so we can keep up with your whereabuots. You're gonna have a ball. Remember the Mauri pronounce words beginning in "wh" as an "f" (whitianga should be pronounce fitianga). The locals will be impressed. Drink a Speights for me. I know you're on a quest for beer but don't forget to check out all the local wineries!! Bring us back a Gibston Valley Pinot Noir PLEASE!! Posted by: Missy on January 27, 2005 08:31 AMWatch out for Kea! Enjoy a Tui or 2. I want to see bungee jumping footage. Posted by: Scott on January 27, 2005 09:32 AMchuckie? that is too much! have fun, lots of photos and many postcards please. Posted by: tony on January 27, 2005 08:35 PMHey Chuck!! Remember Monday (Boogie) Nights skiing with all the Alumni!! Root Up!! Ski Hard Dude and Dude-ettes Be sure to check the glowworm caves (they're not really worms -- they're beetles) and see if you can collect some larvae or adults to bring back. At least get me a t-shirt! Have loads of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by: Pat on January 31, 2005 09:24 AMchuckie--take a trip with 3 guys to africa--now that would be interesting. p.s. since you seem to have so much time (and $)--I need a new cleaning lady. have a safe trip chuck--we won't be living next door when you return. Posted by: Neighbor on January 31, 2005 02:25 PMKeep the blogs coming, Chuck. We are reading about you at the Bootsnall office. Posted by: Donovan on February 1, 2005 05:19 PMI was wrong! The New Zealand glowworms are not beetles, they are actually flies -- fungus gnats in the family Mycetophilidae. There is a beelte family called Phengodidae that shares the same common name. Anyhow, the NZ glowworm species is Arachnocampa luminosa and it is quite common. Glowworms live in dark, damp areas but are most spectacular in caves. Both larvae and adults are bioluminescent. Only the larvae feed, and they use bioluminescence to attract prey items to their silken webs where they are captured and eaten. The adults do not have functional mouthparts, and hence cannot feed. Adult females use bioluminescence to attract males for mating. Adults only live for a few days, but larvae live for up to 9 months. Posted by: Pat on February 2, 2005 02:21 PMYes, I'm commenting on my own post. Actually, I wanted to comment on Pat's comment, just so y'all know where he's coming from. Pat is my brother (2 year's older) and is finishing up his PhD in entomology at North Dakota State University! You can pretty much take whatever he has to say about bugs as the gospel truth. Thanks for the info on the glow worms, Pat, you sure won't get that kind of info out of a travel guide book. Posted by: Chuck on February 2, 2005 03:16 PM |
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