BootsnAll Travel Network

Panama Canal

Panama CanalMy good luck is holding as I went to the canal museum at The Miraflo Locks this aft & a few small vessels were going through just after we came out from the movie. They put the small ones through together 7 this time & room for a lot more. A fairly impressive sight & well worth the $4.00 it cost for entry (1/2 price for seniors in Panama).

So I have accomplished the first part of my mission, travelling by bus through most of Mexico & all Central America in search of a new place to live & have found 2 acceptable countries & 2 back ups where both the climate & cost of living are right.

Two more sleeps & it’s the big silver bird to Cuba for dental work & more Spanish lessons. How long I stay there is up in the air with the Canadian Loony trying to be on par with the Belize dollar which is 50 cents American + the high cost of travelling in Cuba, can stay 4 nights in any Central American country for the price of one in Cuba so don’t be surprised that after a month or so I return to CA for the balance of the winter especially now that I have found that Cubans don’t have a monopoly on being nice friendly people but it is common in most of Mexico & all Central America with the exception of Costa Rica & parts of Panama.

Have to return to Antigua for semaine santa & follow up on a couple things there any way so just might go back early after Havana & a quick tour of the island but with an 75 cent $ 3 months is definitely as out of the question as is returning to Canada with snow on the ground. 


7 responses to “Panama Canal”

  1. Jan says:

    You wouldn’t be the only one Dave. A friend of ours who did a similar trip to yours last year and with Cuba last on his list, was let down after Central America, found Havana very expensive plus the language is not pure form. He and a few others from our class said they would never return there … but everyone is different … so it will be curious to hear opinion! lol! It’s all an adventure!!! lol!

  2. Oncearound says:

    Hola Dave,
    Just back from the north country – so catching up a bit. I’ll bet the canal makes the Trent look like a trickle! Sounds to me like you’re finding what you were looking for. Which airline takes you into Cuba from where you are, and how much is it? Do they require you to have a return ticket?
    Happy Trails!

  3. Pinamimi says:

    Sounds like your having a grand old time!!! wish i was there! lol
    so what are your 1-2-3 picks of settling down in? and can I drive there? LOL

  4. bellagio says:

    Happy New Year to you Dave. Have a safe journey to Cuba. It’s been a pleasure reading your blog travelling around countries that I have only dreamt of.

  5. Dave says:

    Hola Jan I have a pretty good idea what the take on Cuba will be but will reserve judgement. However when I consider the savings on dental work that will compensate for the cost but knowing what I do now there are lots of other countries for cheap dental & health care just not sure how the quality compares but Panama would be in the ball park.

    Once they hah 3 sail boats, 2 cats & a small tour ship in the locks at the same time & they looked almost empty LOL

    pina Guatemala & Panama are tied for 1st place with El Salvador a close runner up however from talking with other travellers Thailand & Malaysia sound really interesting so let you know better in a couple years.

    Ken we will have to meet up in Cuba next month, keep in touch.

  6. Dave says:

    Oncearound Copa air 408 Canadian loonies no onward ticket. Had to show ticket when entering Panama by land.

  7. Ready4off says:

    Hi Dave, I know that you will now be in Havana, and I wish you a Very Happy New Year, what a lovely experience it must be, and you have seen so many interesting places, I hope you will enjoy your time in Cuba and that you will be keeping us up to date with your travels, Take Care Janet