BootsnAll Travel Network


Just can’t believe the level of incompetence being displayed by people dealing with the public in Ontario! Went in to pay the insurance premium on the WC bus that the insurance Co finally decided it could insure only to be told by the agent that my policy had been canceled for non payment of premium which seemed strange as I went to the office personally & put it on my cc. After some heated words & my threat that if I had to make the 1 1/2 hr drive each way to get my proof things would not end with the Port Hope office they got busy & found that I was right & not the demented liar they accused me of being but that the whole thing was the fault of a receptionist that was let go.

Now the thing that really pees me off about the whole thing is that I have given all my info for change of address & phone # 3 times since I returned but there is no record of it & NO one accepts responsibility as it’s all the fault of one person that was let go; & the cow jumped over the moon; been around too long to believe that horse pooey!

Now this morning took all the required paper work to the licence office in Lindsay where I was informed that to change the ownership of the vehicle from the company name to my name I needed a letter from my accountant stating that I actually owned said company + an affidavit for not sure what as I had quit listening by then as in 30+ yrs of doing this it was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard, now the employees there are peed off because the provincial government in their misguided  changes is closing down the private bureaus & giving the jobs to simple serpents, (never get any thing done now) but that is no reason to be ignorant to the public, which did not please them when I stated that fact & was told I was not a nice person to which I replied that I was not a nice person when I was being shafted & that I hadn’t just fallen off the turnip truck this morning.

So another 1/2 hr drive to the office in Millbrook where where all was cheerfully done in 15 minutes with an apology for taking so long (so sad there isn’t more like her) as she had to check on the proper way to make the change from bus to private van (NO accountant’s letter or affidavit required).

All in all if I had ever had any doubts that leaving Canada & Ontario in particular they were erased this morning as I just hate incompetence especially when accompanied with an ego which is just about you get in Ontario lately & Oh BTW my lawyer couldn’t be bothered to return my call but in all fairness it was more than likely his staff never bothered to give him the message

Oh yeah & even Shoppers Drug Mart in this hick town didn’t have enough  Mefloququine (Malaria med) on hand to fill my prescription from the travel clinic so back tomorrow for the rest & also to the bank for US$ as they forgot to get them Mon. as promised (Bowmanville hicktown this time)

40 hrs ’til park the Motor Home in storage & head for the Big Smoke where I will meet a couple fellow travelers from an Internet travel forum & then fly fly away Friday morning.


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