BootsnAll Travel Network

Kununurra in the Kimberlies YES!!!

New that once I left Darwin & headed back to the Outback things would improve & I was right, it’s back to normal, for Australia, expensive but nice people again. So would advise just go straight to Knunurra from Alice Springs & forget Darwin.

Take a countryside tour, something NOT offered in Darwin, & see what a bit of water does for agriculture. Check out the Sandalwood plantations & get a look at another different side of OZ.

Arrived in Broome, have a couple hrs wait for the shuttle from the hostel at the beach to pick me up so at McDonalds where the free WiFi has decided to take a vacation for a bit & the staff is so slow they might as well be on vacation also, guess that’s just the way it works around here. OK the bus from the hostel never showed up at least not 1/2 hr after they said it would so went to the tourist info center where the Greyhound drops off & found another within walking distance of the stop.

Power outlet in the room doesn’t work & management couldn’t care less so am getting more than a bit fed up with paying exorbrient prices for piss poor service in tourist areas & once I hit Townsville that’s all there is so afraid will be using up my passes for bus & train travel but not spending time in the rip-off tourist traps full of surly proprietors in touron areas!

Bus left at 5:25 pm last night & there was nothing open any where along the way until we hit Broome this morning, talk about rolling the sidewalks early!


2 responses to “Kununurra in the Kimberlies YES!!!”

  1. Pinamimi says:

    geez…even Vankleek Hill stays open until 6pm! lol
    so I imagine you can’t wait to get back to SE Asia? lol

  2. Dave says:

    Lets just say at this point in time I am not overly impressed with Australia & if I had bought a ticket here from Canada rather than as part of my RTW I would be an extremely unhappy camper!