BootsnAll Travel Network

Heathrow Gestapo

Warning this is a RANT!!

The  Gestapo at Heathrow make Uncle Sam’s Home Land Security look like a bunch of kindergarten cops!

Why the citizens of any country, claiming to be  a democracy put up with this police state kind of BS that is designed solely to keep the sheep in there place & remind them who is in charge & has nothing to with security, is beyond me. The measures used there were only one step away from a strip search. Wonder what some of the posters on travel forums would say to being forced to place your passport on the conveyor & not being allowed to carry it through security yourself??

This Busman will NEVER fly out of Heathrow again & if that means never visiting the UK again so be it !!!


14 responses to “Heathrow Gestapo”

  1. pinamimi says:

    wow….can’t wait to hear about Russia…i can’t believe the UK is worse than the US….crazy!

  2. topturner says:

    I haven’t a problem with the level of security at UK airports, but i just wish they would apply a similar level of security to those arriving in the UK as they do to those leaving !

  3. Dave says:

    Well I have a problem with putting my passport, wallet & tickets on the conveyor, even had to take off neck pouch so any one watching knew just what you had & where, a real bonus for pick pockets LOL

    Iceland has a security check on arrival!

  4. pinamimi says:

    security check on arrival is important that’s for sure…
    oh well Dave…that’s a way to pick up friends…girlfriends even lol!!

  5. Macdon says:

    Wow – my recent experience at Heathrow was a very pleasant one….the customs agent wanted to know more about who I was meeting, when did we meet and how long was I staying….it sounded like she was writing a script for Corrie Street!!!! lol!!!

    I did however find Heathrow pretty good re customs etc….but I did mention to my Brit friend last nite, I really do hate that airport because of the low ceilings in terminal 3 but otherwise it is a good airport and I have had no problems.

    TOmorrow I will experience Buffalo, New York airport and will be watching re how we will be treated!!!!

  6. Dave says:

    Chris sounds like you were entering not leaving. Also just loved the fact that the won’t give your gate # until 40 min before departure so you have to hang around all the high price stores twideling your thumbs only to find your departure gate is at the other end of the GD terminal. The whole experience takes away all the good impressions of Britian while visiting & leaves one with NO desire to return!

  7. Macdon says:

    I was entering and leaving. I found the exiting part great…I enjoyed browsing the high priced stores because I did very little browsing during my vacation.

    …but the last time I travelled was flying out of Holguin there were 3 Sunwing planes and we didn’t know which plane we were on…originally we were flying home via Varadero…we had a boarding pass with not even a flight # on it…we were thoroughly confused so even if you have to wait 40 minutes to find out your gate it sure beats what I experienced in Cuba this past December.

  8. Dave says:

    Well in all my travels I have NEVER not been able to keep my passport on me & NEVER had to take off pouch not even in Miami with a Cuban stamp on my passport & I will NEVER EVER fly out of Heathrow again!!!!

    Bet Buffalo is hassle free.

  9. Pinamimi says:

    lol….never say never…..

  10. Dave says:

    NEVER!!! Now if you are talking St Petersburg you would be talking WOW GREAT & would be worth any amount of BS & the H

  11. Dave says:

    Hermitage AMAZING!!!!

  12. topturner says:

    Have been to the Artillery Museum yet ?….it’s a BLAST !!!

  13. topturner says:

    Joking apart it was very interesting, don’t know if it still exists but it was across the river from the Peter & Paul Fortress.
    I’ve many happy memories of that trip to the then USSR, one was, on the last day in (what was then) Leningrad trying as hard as i could to spend the last of my Rubles, so i went down Nevsky Prospect to a Jewellers shop and asked the bemused ‘shopkeeper’ to see the most expensive watch in the shop….which i duly bought, but still had change for a strap !….lol…now i wouldn’t get through the front door !

  14. Dave says:

    No didn’t get to see it, could have used another day so anyone going to St Petersburg plan 3 days in that GRRRREATTTT!!!! city