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March 13, 2005

Plonka continued...

AKA know as Palenque, is a place in the jungle with yet again more Ruins. We stayed in a cabana here, surrounded by jungle. This was a beautiful, enchanting place with little huts in the woods with trails and streams and bridges, lit at night with toadstool lights. Kind of fairy tale/Robinson Crusoe setting. There are lots of mushrooms available here(of the magic variety) These half naked Mexicans approach you out of the bushes selling them. We didnt try any,did not need to. Enough magic around here. The Jungle really awakens all your senses and the noises are incredible so many different kinds of bird sounds and the Howler monkeys, don{t know why they gave it that name it has a really deep throaty call and sounds like a tyrranosaurus rex. Felt like we had stepped onto a jurassic park film set. This Has to be the most aMAYANzing site, it is set deep in lush, emerald green jungle. There was a real strong energy there and you could feel the Maya magic. Hey shiatsu peoples, how bout this for an example of wood energy! Wood dominating Earth, see the roots bursting through the ruins. heres a love leaf they were growing everywhere. Here are some more pics of this site!
room with a view
stairs to the jungle
calf and thigh work
inda jungle
We also visited some lovely waterfalls while staying here, though we didnt get to completely appreciate them due to more squits (shits). On the way we stopped at a blue river louise jumped a ride.

Posted by Louise & Mike on March 13, 2005 05:52 PM
Category: mexico
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