Operation Christmas Child

Every year for the past 5 or so years (except for last year) I’ve been creating shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. National Collection week for Canada is Nov. 13-18! For those who don’t know, anyone can pack a present to be delivered to a needy child overseas.

You pick up shoeboxes(or use your own shoebox) at participating stores and fill them with school supplies, toys or hard candies for either a boy or girl. Drop them off at participating locations to get shipped by Christmas to children living in countries that are war torn, affected by famine or natural disaster. Last time I made about 6 gift boxes for kids of various ages. This year I hope to maybe have about 10.

Samaratan’s Purse also has a gift catalogue whereby you can give a one time gift to help support their various programs.

The World Vision’s Gift Catalogue is also a pretty cool idea. I’ve been eyeing this catalogue and thinking about what I want to purchase.
ie. 2 Hens and a Rooster can provide a camily with upto 150 eggs a year!

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