
Recent Entries

February 15, 2005

Just passing through

Hey all!
Its feb. 16th. Tessa and i have just toured the entire north part of the north island. It was just under 800k of driving in 5 days! pretty intense but really fun. The views are amazing! we traveled up the east side to the bay of islands. I got there pretty late so most of the hostels were well booked. We stayed just outside of town, Paihia, in a beatuiful hostel. It was right next to a river. There we met two deaf guys from Denmark. They were SO animated. We "spoke" with them for most of the night. They were a riot! From there we traveled to Ahipara, a Little little town on the south part of 90 mile beach. It was a WONDERFUL hostel. I took pictures. The place felt like how i wanted my home to be like. It was really welcoming. Three of us took a tour up the beach to Cape Rienga, the northern most tip of NZ. It was beautiful to see the Tasman sea colide with the pacific. The water was a bright inidigo. The bus ride was nice but i vow never to take another one. I can do it all on my own for a much better experience. The three people i'm traveling with, Tessa (from holland), Pete (from england) and Glenn (from NZ but just arrived from Norway) all went out mussel picking early in the morning. They got over 200. We grilled 'em up when we arrived at goat island beach after 7 hours of driving. I tried one, they were tastey.
The goat island is just about 100 yards off shore. There are rock outcroppings coming out the water taht allows you to walk out and peer down the underwater cliffs. There were schools of foot long blue fish and other amazing creatures. The water was a nature preserve so the area was pristine. Now, Tessa and i are traveling through auckland, dropping the boys off and continueing on to raglan. I heard its a cute surf town of the western shore. I'll keep you posted. I'm excited to explore!

Posted by Anne on February 15, 2005 06:01 PM
Category: New Zealand

Wow! You tried some Muscles? That's very much not Vegetarian! :) You know your mom will probably be happy to hear this, she might think you'll come home and start eating her cooking more often!


Posted by: Bill on February 16, 2005 02:10 PM

TO Skippy skip~

Hey do you have anything better to do with your time/life? I mean posting stupid irrelevant emails to our friend, who could care less about you, is the most boring thing I can think of, not this website. But obviously your life is boring otherwise you wouldn't be posting emails like the ones you have and you would actually be traveling and meeting amazing people like our friend Anne has. And if traveling isn't your favorite, then maybe try buying a clue and find yourself a life.

Posted by: Ginger on February 25, 2005 04:06 PM

Hi Sweety, Sorry Bill didn't get in touch with us before he went out to you. He could have brought over a goody box for you.
After spending a week in Mexico, I don't know how you can live out of your suitcase for so long. It was great also to sit on a warm beach and enjoy some warm weather. Glad to hear that you and Bill had a great time. Enjoy life to the fullest!! love mom

Posted by: mom on February 28, 2005 09:57 AM
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