Cederberg Winery
On Friday morning, Ingrid and I again ventured over the mountains, through Uitkykpas and beyond to the amazing Cederberg Winery. The ingenuity of these people to think to start a winery high in the mountains in the middle of nowhere astounds me. I cannot convey to you strongly enough how remote it is here. I cannot even imagine the obstacles they must overcome to simply exist here. Their reward (and our’s too) is award winning wines that have to be experienced to be appreciatd.
Ingrid had phoned ahead and arranged for us to speak with Jaco, the sales manager for the winery. My attempts back in Canada to obtain Cederberg wine have so far been unsuccessful despite a steady stream of emails between Canada, South Africa and American distrbutors but … as most of you who know me know … I can be very persistent and I was determined to find a way.
Jaco was magnificant and we think we have found a way to piggyback an order to Canada that will work. He has given me the contact information I need and it will be one of my first orders of business once I return home.
For me, the sights, sounds, and tastes of an experience carry with them a sentimental value that is unquantifiable. While perhaps some may consider other wines more flavourful, for me to be able to sip Cederberg Chenin Blanc from my Cederberg glasses in my own living room would carry with it all the memories of this amazing place. If there is a way to make it happen I will find it.
Jaco then took us down to the wine cellar for a personal wine tasting. I am sure we sampled at least 10 different wines and his indepth knowledge and love of his craft was evident as he shared the story of each wine with us. I must say that having South African wine and lemon cream biscuits for breakfast was a first for me and the drive back through the treacherous mountain pass seemed much less formidable through the pleasant mellowness that enveloped me.
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